Changing your primary domain on Bluehost is a strategic decision that might arise from several reasons, including business rebranding or shifting the emphasis to a new domain name. This action is significant as it impacts your online identity and digital presence. It's essential to comprehend both the procedural steps and potential consequences of this change. For instance, it involves updating domain settings, ensuring seamless website and email functionality, and maintaining SEO rankings. By understanding these aspects, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new domain, reflecting your evolving business goals or personal brand while minimizing disruptions to your online operations.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Primary Domain

The ‘Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Primary Domain' on Bluehost is a detailed roadmap designed to navigate the complexities of updating your website's central domain. It provides clear instructions, from preparation and contacting support, to post-change actions, ensuring a hassle-free and efficient transition to your new domain.

1. Preparation

Before beginning the domain change process with Bluehost, thorough preparation is key. Make sure to have your existing primary domain name at hand, along with the new primary domain name you intend to switch to. Additionally, having the last four characters of your cPanel password ready is essential for verification purposes. This preparation streamlines the process, allowing for a quick and efficient domain transition, ensuring minimal disruption to your website's operations.

2. Backup

Backing up all your files and databases is a critical step before initiating the domain change process on Bluehost. This precaution is vital because there's an inherent risk of data loss during the transition. A comprehensive backup includes all website files, images, scripts, and databases, ensuring that every piece of your website's content is securely saved. In the event of any unexpected issues or data corruption, these backups serve as a fail-safe, allowing you to restore your website to its previous state. Therefore, having a robust backup strategy not only protects your digital assets but also provides peace of mind during the domain change process.

3. Contacting Support

To initiate the change of your primary domain with Bluehost, direct contact with their support team is necessary. This interaction is crucial as it allows for a personalized and secure process. You have the option to reach out via phone or use their live chat feature. Contacting via phone provides a direct line of communication for immediate assistance and clarification of any queries in real-time. Alternatively, the live chat feature offers the convenience of instant messaging, which can be particularly useful if you need written instructions or links. Both methods ensure that you receive professional guidance and support throughout the process of changing your primary domain.

4. Providing Information

This includes the name of your current primary domain, which is the existing address associated with your account, and the new primary domain name that you wish to switch to. This step is crucial for confirming your identity and authorization to make changes to the account. Having this information readily available expedites the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition to your new domain.

5. Understanding Account Rename Implications

When you change your primary domain with Bluehost, it's important to understand that while the domain itself will be updated, your account's username will remain unchanged. This consistency in the username is vital for continuity and access purposes. Your username is the key identifier for your Bluehost account, used for logging in and managing your services. Therefore, even after the domain switch, you'll continue to use the same username for all account-related activities. This understanding is crucial to ensure uninterrupted access to your Bluehost account and services post-domain change, allowing for a seamless transition while keeping your account secure and easily accessible.

6. Managing Your Addon Domains

If your Bluehost account includes addon domains, it's essential to recognize their management nuances, especially during a primary domain change. Addon domains, while integral to your hosting account, differ from your primary domain in that they can be unassigned but cannot replace your primary domain directly. Unassigning an addon domain effectively removes it from your hosting package, detaching its association with your account but not deleting it. This distinction is crucial for effective domain management, as it means that while you can reorganize or streamline your domain portfolio, your primary domain's replacement must be a completely separate domain. Understanding this aspect of Bluehost's domain management ensures more informed decisions and smoother administration of your web properties.

SEO Considerations After Changing Your Primary Domain

After changing your primary domain on Bluehost, it's vital to take proactive steps to manage your website's SEO effectively to ensure a smooth transition in search engine visibility. Firstly, update all internal and external links to accurately reflect your new domain, ensuring consistency and avoiding broken links. Implement 301 redirects from your old domain to the new one, a critical step in preserving your existing search engine rankings and transferring the SEO value. Finally, update your domain details in both Google Analytics and Google Search Console. This is essential for continuous monitoring and analysis of your site's performance, allowing you to track visitor behavior and traffic patterns effectively under the new domain. These measures are key to maintaining your website's digital footprint and ensuring seamless user experience post-domain change.


Changing your primary domain on Bluehost, while a direct and user-friendly process, entails a series of crucial steps that need careful attention. Initially, preparation involves thorough data backup to safeguard your website's content. This step is vital to prevent data loss, ensuring that all files, databases, and configurations can be restored if any issues arise during the transition. Post-change, the focus shifts to SEO management. This includes updating internal links, implementing 301 redirects to maintain search rankings, and notifying search engines about the domain change. Ensuring these tasks are meticulously executed is key to maintaining your site’s visibility and functionality, thereby making the domain change not just successful but also seamless in its impact on your online presence.


What do I need to prepare before changing my primary domain on Bluehost?

Before changing your primary domain on Bluehost, you should have your current primary domain name, the new domain name you intend to use, and the last four characters of your cPanel password. This information is vital for verification purposes and streamlines the transition process.

Why is it important to back up my files and databases before changing my primary domain?

Backing up your files and databases is crucial before changing your primary domain because there's a risk of data loss during the transition. A comprehensive backup ensures that all your website's content is securely saved and can be restored to its previous state if needed.

How do I contact Bluehost support to change my primary domain?

To change your primary domain, you can contact Bluehost support either by phone or through their live chat feature. Phone calls provide immediate assistance and real-time clarification, while live chat is convenient for instant messaging and receiving written instructions.

What are the implications of changing my primary domain regarding SEO?

After changing your primary domain, you should update internal and external links, implement 301 redirects from the old domain to the new one, and update your domain details in Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These steps are essential for maintaining your website's search engine rankings and tracking performance.


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